CLF Yayati

This wing is responsible for all programs with the objective to-

  • Sensitisation and awareness about ageing among seniors and as well as young and children;
  • All programs to abridge the gap between generations. 

This wing organises the following programs:

  • Interaction sessions on various topics as separate sessions for seniors and joint sessions of seniors and young’s. Organising competition for painting, singing, writings etc. with the motive to promote better understanding between generations.
  • Awareness sessions are held by an expert on any subject.
  • Senior Tourism– Just like young people, it is not enough for seniors to meet the necessities of life. Tourism is a very good medium for a positive mental state, be it for a religious purpose or a non-religious one. But, it is generally considered to be the activity of physically and financially capable people. That’s why CLF takes a limited number of elderly people for walks to different places in June-August every year since 2016. The expenses are borne by the seniors themselves based on actual expenditure.


Literature, art and culture is great way to promote positive thought, happiness and self-reliance. Therefore. CLF-Kalash is its wing to promote art and literature.

This wing organised the following types of activities:

  • · Organising cultural and literary activities to encourage seniors to engage themselves in such activities and to provide a platform the shows their work.
  • · Organising various activities to promote literary and artwork of seniors


This wing is responsible to held three types of works:

  • To provide a speedy, effective and concessional health service with the doctors and hospital who is attached to it.
  • To spread awareness about mental health and physical health
  • To create awareness and to provide preventive measures and overall health.

Activities carried out by this wing:

  • -organises medical camps;
  • -sessions with doctors and psychologists;
  • -if possible to provide direct medical assistance.

CLF- Housing

This wing has been established to provide needy seniors shelter/house on very nominal charges. Right now CLF doesn’t have any accommodation for them. At present, it is working on CLF Senior Hostels.

The senior hostel is for seniors who do not want to stay in their house for any reason whatsoever or do not have a home. Currently, there are only two options for them– expensive senior living, which is not available everywhere, and, old age homes (both with and without fee). But many of them don’t want to go to old age home. We have come in contact with many seniors who have little money or are earning, and are not able to take a house for rent. There is also the question of security for seniors living alone. On the other hand, many seniors have a house in which they live alone or with their spouse. Their children live elsewhere. If they give a part of their house to a senior at a lower rent, then both will get along with each other, will be able to help each other. This plan has been built on this idea.

CLF has also planned for making some homes for seniors.

CLF- Craft & Enterprises

Financial crunch is a major issue for many seniors. CLF assists them so they can get financial independence through self-employment. CLF assists them in following ways:

CLF Markets– Seniors who are engaged in some form of self-employment; For example, providing any kind of service, doing any kind of production or buying and selling, etc., CLF does promotion and marketing for free. The only condition is that the Self-employment/trade/business is being carried on by himself or by someone else under his control, or is being carried on for his benefit.

CLF Training– Many seniors want to take up a job professionally, either for their hobby or for earning, but they do not have the necessary technical and other knowledge for that. Like, they want to write a blog or book, create a video or YouTube channel, give online tutoring, etc., but don’t have the technical know-how. They are being given training from experts as per their requirements. For this, a nominal amount is charged as a registration fee.

Digital learning for seniors– To make them more confident to connect with the world and do their work, CLF has started digital learning training for seniors. Since January 2022 this training is being provided through virtual mode too.

CLF also provides some direct help as donation/charity to needy people if possible.

It has plan to start lending some small credit to its member.

CLF- Technology for easy ageing

The main objective of this wing is to promote and make available the technology which can ease the life of seniors. For this purpose, CLF tries to collaborate with various institutes/individuals who have such expertise.   

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